Paasche Airbrush Tattoo Starter Kit

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Paasche Airbrush Tattoo Starter Kit

Paasche Airbrush Tattoo starter kit $425

This Kit is designed for you to start the airbrush temporary tattoo with premium quality equipment at a low budget. This kit has the potential to upgrade to a professional airbrush tattoo kit when the need is expanding. In this starter kit, you will find a Paasche Millennium double action airbrush, a powerful single-piston mini compressor with a metal protective case, a collection of 100 pieces stencil collection and 5 bottles of 1 oz colour airbrush tattoo paint set with 5 airbrush bottles for quick colour changes.

This airbrush tattoo starter kit is designed for you to start an airbrush tattoo business with a very small cost. It is ideal to test your market at birthday parties, weekend festivals, kiosks, flea market... or simply add into your business to entertain your customer and make some quick money.

Technical info:

Airbrush: Paasche Millennium Double action

The airbrush features a chrome-plated body and an aluminum anodized cutaway handle. The MIL is double action and allows the user to achieve fine lines down to 1/32 inch and wider patterns up to 1-1/2 inches. A PTFE packing enables the MIL to handle any water or solvent-based paint. Clean up is as simple as spraying your paint cleaner though the airbrush and wiping of the needle. The MIL can be used for many applications including hobby, craft, automotive, t-shirts, taxidermy, ceramics, cake decorating, tanning, tattoos, etc. The MIL airbrush is made in the US.

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