Introduction to Airbrush Group Workshop

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Group Airbrush Intro

Class schedule: 10am-12pm   1pm-3pm    3:30pm-5:30pm

This workshop will include 3 main parts:  lecture, demonstration, and practice with the professional assistant.  The class will start with an informative lecture, we will gradually move to the project demonstration and then focus on practice to deliver hands-on experiences to students.   Students will be asked to try different techniques during class time and work on a class project.

 Class 1:  10am-12pm

 This period we will cover equipment and technical information, airbrush system structure, troubleshooting, material choice and usage, and basic airbrush techniques…etc.  We will go over airbrush station set up, cleaning process, airbrush disassembly, and assembly, and daily and long-term maintenances.   Basic key practice techniques will be introduced to students at the end of the class.

 Lunch Break.

 Class 2: 1pm-3 pm

We will start this class after lunch by doing some basic practice to warm you up.  Then the instructor will spend 1 to 1.5 hours to do a full demonstration.  Various materials and techniques will be introduced in this demonstration; Students are welcome to ask questions during the process.   The rest of the time we will go over a few tips and tricks and students will practice a few of these techniques. 

 Class 3: 3:30pm-5:30pm

This class will hand over time for students to do in-class projects.  Assignment sheets will be handed over to the student to outline the requirement.  Students will use the learned techniques in the previous period to create artwork of their choices.  The instructor will work with each student individually to help them in practice.  However, since this is the first project for most of the students, we will mainly focus on the working process rather than the final result.  Finally, we will have a group critic on your projects, this way we will learn from each other.

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